Posts Tagged ‘deviled’

deviled pickled beet eggs



These hard-boiled eggs were pickled in a beet and white vinegar solution, then sliced in half and filled with an egg yolk-mayonnaise-mustard cream. They gain their colour from the redness of the beet and have a pungent sweet and sour aroma that goes well with the spicy cream filling.
While I’ve seen and eaten many deviled egg dishes in my life, beet-pickled eggs are new to me. Like my friend Wikipedia told me, they seem to be a classic dish popular in Pennsylvania. Dear American readers: I am sorry that for you, this post probably only evokes yawning. For me as a person from the other side of the Atlantic, where beet-pickled eggs are unheard of, the fascination still lingers :-D

Pickled & deviled beet eggs are easy to make and could be served as a pretty and delicious appetizer. Why not include them in your Easter menu?


Pickled & Deviled Beet Eggs (makes 12 pieces)

I looked at different recipes and came up with this. It’s probably not really authentic, but it tasted alright I thought. Feel free to tweak it with the addition of seasonings and such.

  • 6 small eggs
  • about 3 cups  finely shredded red beet or its juice
  • 1 cup apple cider vinegar (can be replaced with white vinegar)
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 onion
  • 4 Tbs. mayonnaise
  • 4 tsp. mustard
  1. Make hard-boiled eggs and peel them. The perfect egg boiling method from e-how for example works good for me.
  2. Combine beet (juice), vinegar and sugar. Bring to a boil and stir until the sugar dissolves. Let it cool down for a bit.
  3. Slice the onion thinly and add to the beet vinegar mixture.
  4. While the liquid is still a bit warm, fill a container that’s large enough with the eggs and the liquid alternatively.
  5. Seal and store in the refrigerator.
  6. After about 2 days, the eggs will be ready. Take them out and rinse them shortly with cold water.
  7. Slice the eggs lengthwise and carefully remove the egg yolks.

  8. Mash the egg yolks with a fork and mix them with mayonnaise and mustard.
  9. Fill the egg yolks into the egg halves with a piping bag. Done!


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